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Fishing and Hunting Permits

For help in choosing or applying for any of these programs, contact the nearest Veteran Service Officer. Our VSOs are ready and willing to assist in determining your eligibility, discussing available options, and submitting the appropriate application/s.

Camping & Admission Fees

Illinois disabled veterans and former prisoners of war may camp free of charge in Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ parks throughout the state. This benefit provides for the exemption of camping and admission fees for certain disabled persons and former prisoners of war who are Illinois residents and wish to camp in parks under the control of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Documentation is required. To apply, please contact IDVA's local Veteran Service Office.

Hunting and Fishing Privileges

Illinois is home to acres of beautiful landscapes for hunting and hundreds of lakes for fishing. In gratitude for their service, veterans who receive 10% or greater service-connected compensation or total disability pension are provided a fishing and hunting license free of charge. Veterans are required to present a DD214 and a Disability Affidavit, and both can be obtained through IDVA. The purchase of fishing and hunting licenses are not required for disabled veterans, regardless of state of residency, who are receiving 10% or greater service-connected compensation, or total disability pension benefits. Applicants must possess and present the affidavit, issued by the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs, upon request while participating in these activities. A validation of service and benefit, DD214, and a current verification of VA compensation or pension are required. are required to receive the affidavit. A DD214 and current verification of VA compensation or pension, will be required. To apply for the Disability Affidavit for Illinois Hunting and Fishing Privilege card, please contact an IDVA local Veteran Service Office.

DNR Wildlife Dept. updated their Hunting and Trapping Digest to reflect the changes from SB153