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Employment Resources

The Illinois Department of Employment Security and the Illinois Department of Central Management Services, have dedicated personnel that specialize in provided employment assistance to veterans.  For all employment opportunities, the Department of Employment Security can be contact at Veteran Services  and for assistance in employment with the State of Illinois, CMS can be contacted at Veterans Outreach Program.

Illinois Job Link & Veteran Employment Services

Veterans seeking employment – whether unemployed, underemployed, or looking for a career change – are encouraged to sign up for Illinois JobLink (IJL), a free service provided by the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES). IJL is an online tool that connects you to job openings both in Illinois and nationwide.

Veterans' Priority on Illinois JobLink

As a veteran, you receive priority access to job openings and other employment-related services through Illinois JobLink. When you register on IJL, your status as a veteran is highlighted with an American Flag icon on your resume, helping employers easily identify and prioritize you when reviewing candidates.

  • Search for job opportunities.
  • May be eligible to receive employment assistance from veteran employment representatives at IDES.
  • Be included in a network used by employers for seeking qualified Veteran candidates.

IDES also has a statewide network of Employment Representatives, who are available to assist veterans seeking employment. To get more information, visit your local American Job Center, or email: for assistance.

Illinois Work Net

Illinois' Workforce Development system offers helpful resources and programs for job-seekers, including several specific to veterans.

Through Illinois Work Net, sponsored by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, veterans can access online tools as well as in-person assistance at more than 1,150 partner sites providing services. These sites include comprehensive one-stop centers, one-stop satellite offices, community-based organizations, community colleges, libraries, and more. For more information on these available resources or to locate your nearest Work Net Center, please visit the page at Illinois Work Net. Here, veterans can utilize a customized  Assistance Employment Guide to update their resume, explore careers and training, prepare for a job search, and apply for jobs. They can also utilize tools for identifying current interest and skills, mapping career options by required training, and locating transportation, child care, and other support services.

Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment insurance provides financial protection to ex-service members of all ranks who served in the Armed Forces of the United States. If you were on active-duty with a branch of the U.S. military and separated under honorable conditions, you may be entitled to benefits based on that service. Please contact your local Employment Security office for more information.