Deceased, Disabled, and MIA/POW Veterans' Dependents Educational Opportunity Grant (Age: 10-18)
The Deceased, Disabled, and MIA-POW Veteran's Dependents Opportunity Grant provides a $250 grant annually for each child between the ages of 10 and 18 years of veterans meeting eligibility requirements. The grant is to assist with defraying expenses related to enrollment at an Illinois elementary school, middle or junior high school, high school, or home school. Applicants must apply annually during the academic year to receive the Grant.
An applicant must be the natural child, stepchild under the age of 18 at the time of marriage, adopted child under the age of 18 at the time of adoption, or minor child younger than 18 who is under a court-ordered guardianship for at least two continuous years before application, of the veteran to qualify. If the applicant is a natural child, adopted child, or stepchild, they must begin using the benefit before the age of 26.
The veteran must have been an Illinois resident at the time of entering active military service, an Illinois resident within six months after entering active military service, or a resident of Illinois for at least 15 consecutive years after entering active duty as of the date of application. Information about home of record for active duty may be found on a Veteran's DD214 (Report of Separation) or Enlistment Contract. Examples of documents accepted to prove 15 years of consecutive years of residency include Illinois Secretary of State Driving Record Abstract (recommended), state or federal income tax transcripts, property tax records, wage and tax records (IRS Form W-2), or statement of benefits history from the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services.
Furthermore, the veteran must meet one of the following criteria in order to qualify – (1) Veteran must have been an MIA (Missing In Action) (2) Veteran must have been a POW (Prisoner of War) (3) Veteran must be rated by the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs (USDVA) as being 100% permanent and totally disabled by service connected causes(4) Veteran must be rated by the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs (USDVA) as being 100% permanent and totally disabled by service connected causes due to unemployability (5) Veteran's death must be rated service connected by the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs (USDVA).
Beginning July 15, 2024, the application process for the Deceased, Disabled, and MIA-POW Veteran's Dependents Opportunity Grant is online and may be accessed at Please use the Program Applications & Status Checks link at the top of this web page to access the application.
All first-time applications within this online portal must have the following documentation (pdf format will ensure quicker processing) ready to upload with the application:
- School Certification Form (found below this section) completed by principal or registrar at school for each child for whom you are applying for a grant.
- Birth certificate of child or children enrolled in an Illinois elementary school, middle or junior high school, high school, or home school.
- If applicable, adoption decree of child.
- If applicable, court ordered guardianship records for at least 2 years prior to application.
- If applicable, marriage certificate between parent and veteran for a stepchild.
Moreover, please be ready to upload the following with the application.
- Discharge paperwork (DD214) for each period of active duty that includes Home of Record and Character of Service.
You must also upload at least one of the following three documents.
- Award letter from USDVA stating veteran is 100% permanent and totally disabled.
- Award letter from USDVA stating veteran 100% permanent and totally disabled based on Individual Unemployability
- Award letter from USDVA stating veteran’s death service connected.
Plus, if home of record listed on DD214 or Casualty Report is not Illinois, please provide proof of Illinois residency within six months after entering active duty or 15 consecutive years of Illinois residency after entering active duty as of the date of this application. Accepted documentation includes Illinois tax records, Illinois voter registration records, copies of property records, including records from county assessor offices, copies of utility records, and copies of driving records from the Illinois Secretary of States office, such as the driver’s abstract.
The Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs administers two additional benefit programs for eligible children at the age of 18 or completion of a diploma program:
• Chapter 35 Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance, and
• Deceased, Disabled, and MIA-POW Veteran's Dependents Scholarship.
If a child is eligible for the Deceased, Disabled, and MIA-POW Veteran's Dependents Grant, they are more than likely eligible for the Chapter 35 Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance program. This program provides 36 months of entitlement for enrollment in programs of education and training after completion of high school; however, the program also provides an additional five months of entitlement for high school enrollment for students who are 18 years of age. These five months do not count toward the 36 months of entitlement for a university, college, community college or other education or training program. The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs must process the approval paperwork for students interested in this benefit.
The Deceased, Disabled, and MIA-POW Veteran's Dependents Scholarship provides an education scholarship covering 120 credits for enrollment at an Illinois public university or community college. If a student is eligible for the Deceased, Disabled, and MIA-POW Veteran's Dependent Grant, they are more than likely eligible for the Deceased, Disabled, and MIA-POW Veteran's Dependent Scholarship, as eligibility for both programs is identical starting with the 2022-2023 academic year. Spouses of eligible veterans may also be eligible for the Scholarship.
More information may be found at